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More Good News: Conversion has begun!
Sounds sort of revolutionary doesn't it?
I've been a little lazy today. Instead of promoting and networking, I fiddled and faddled with non-critical tasks. If I were the type of person to offer excuses, I might blame it on the near 100 degree heat, or the high pollen count, mold spores and ultraviolet rays we felt today in Texas, as well as, the fact that we haven't had any rain in forever. Or since I tend to be passive-aggressive, I might complain about my irritated eyes and runny nose thanks to my allergies which remain impervious to my allergy medication. And then you might get me going about conspiracy theories, my guilty pleasure. Has anyone else noticed that far more people suffer with allergies and asthma today than I ever remembered growing up? Well, let's not go there...
The truth is I have a bit of a problem with staying focused. I've told you this before. Before you offer me the end-all-be-all fix, I've already read the books, done the exercises, and even demonstrated some control over this problem of mine. I'm convinced that what it really comes down to is a matter of will-power. Another problem I have that is somewhat related is that I often see a small achievement for more than it is, and give myself permission to derail. Not so good. So, tonight I'm working a bit extra to make up the pace and I'm setting my mind like flint.
What was the achievement you ask?
We got our first two sales!!! Here's to our success, Thalia... getting back to work now.
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